Being Bored When You’re Quitting Drinking

Maybe this weekend I will have some beers. On one day only…so I’ll cut back and see how better I feel. I’m just glad there are these kind of sites to connect with others like ourselves. Ernest Hemingway wrote “I drink to make other people more interesting.” I drink to make life more interesting. I cannot overstate how much it informed me when I came across information on the powerful reality of post acute withdrawal syndrome . It doesn’t help that although alcohol may be the world’s most commonly accepted drug, it’s also regularly left off the list of drugs that negatively impact people’s lives. The reasons people start drinking alcohol is very different than the reasons they continue to drink alcohol.

how to stop drinking out of boredom

Friday & Saturday was the big days full of drink so weekends have lost their fun. I know it will pass and deep down I KNOW with every bone in my body that I don’t want to go back to drinking but DAMN it is hard!

Tips for Staying Sober as a College Student

The gut is considered thesecond brainand hosts 90% ofserotonin production. sober house So taking care of my body was also taking care of my mental health.

  • To pull off this excursion, you have to be serious and plan ahead.
  • Though the benefits can vary widely from person to person, taking a month-long break from alcohol can do your body good.
  • Free time leads to boredom and boredom can lead you back to drinking or drug use.
  • It all felt normal, even the terrible parts like awful hangovers and hangxiety.

After I quit drinking, my therapist challenged me to write a list of accomplishments or character strengths that make me feel proud. I dodged the task for months because even the asking of it made me squirmy.

Involve your loved ones

At any point during recovery, you may struggle with finding enjoyment or sober fun, which can lead to thinking that boredom is inescapable. These experiences can be discouraging and threaten your recovery goals. Mindfulness is definedas the ability to be fully present and aware of yourself and surroundings, while not being reactive or overwhelmed by those things. Practicing mindfulness, a person gets in touch with their senses to feel, hear, smell, taste and see the world around them.

What happens to your body when you stop drinking?

After a month of no alcohol, the systems of the body that were damaged by drinking begin to repair themselves. This can lead to increased energy, weight loss, better and more restful sleep, improved immune system function, better digestion, healthier skin, and a decrease in anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

In a nutshell, mindfulness involves being fully aware of your moment-to-moment experience. You notice sensations, thoughts and feelings without judging or resisting them, and then you let them go as your focus moves on to the next moment. Problems in relationships tend to be one of the top relapse triggers people face when they’re a recovering alcoholic. Relationships can include marriages or romantic relationships, friendships or relationships with family members.

How Do You Manage Anxiety in Addiction Recovery?

Drinking out of boredom may indicate a deeper issue at hand. Just like everything else with this drug, the apparent benefit of ‘reducing boredom’ and ‘making life more exciting’ is a devious illusion and nothing more. Alcohol does not have the power to change external situations and thus does not have any capacity to really make things more interesting. I was out on an ankle monitor as a result of a DUI, so I was forced to stop, and I thank God for that, but now it’s come off.

how to stop drinking out of boredom

Some women can do all the things in high heels and still be a loving presence to the people around them. It feels good to finally acknowledge that I have limits, and if I ever want a chance at a fulfilling life, I have to accept it or learn to delegate. Either way, my priorities have to be organized. But here I am, one year sober, and I actually booked a trip I have been planning for a decade. In April, my husband and I will spend our anniversary hiking in Havasu Falls. The permits for this hike are the main source of income for the Havasupai tribe and are only released once a year.